A while ago, I bought licorice powder from herbal stuff and made almonds with white chocolate and licorice, among other things. I have since thought about what else I should use the powder for. It has become more and more popular to use it as a spice in food and in sweet desserts, but I had never seen it in buns. Right up until I found a recipe in the magazine “Bolig liv” (I think) for rye buns with licorice! They were to be tried immediately, so I made the dough last night and baked the buns this morning. They smelled great in the oven – a dark scent of licorice and freshly baked buns. I had thought that the licorice taste was stronger in the buns, but it did not matter, as it should not drown out, but just have a mild taste / touch of licorice.
250 ml Yogurt
250 ml Water
10 grms of yeast
1 tbsp Salt
1 tbsp Blended Olive oil
250 grms Rye Flour
400 grms wheat flour
1 1/2 tbsp Licorice Powder
Rye balls with licorice eg pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, oatmeal, flaxseed etc.
First day: Start by pouring yogurt and water into a bowl and mix it together, after which the yeast should dissolve in it. Add salt and oil. In another bowl, mix rye flour and wheat flour. Among the flour along with the wet ingredients. Now the dough should be kneaded for about 8 min. or just to make you think it’s fine. The dough should now be placed in the refrigerator, where it should rise covered until the next day (preferably 12 hours). I usually make it in the evening, so it is easy and quick to make the buns in the morning – there is almost nothing better than freshly baked buns.
Second day: Take the dough out of the fridge and place it on the kitchen table. Now the licorice powder needs to be in action as it needs to sprinkle over the dough. The dough must be kneaded well so that the licorice powder is thoroughly distributed in the dough. The dough should be slightly sticky. Before the buns are placed in the oven, they must be brushed with a little water and sprinkled with any kernels or seeds – or a little licorice powder.
The buns should be baked at 225 degrees for about 12-15 minutes. Keep an eye on them as they can quickly get too much at such high temperatures. I got about 12 buns.