I had enjoyed “les palets Bretons” topped with jam so much that I used the same base for my funds … however, needing less dough, I divided the portions in 2.
60 Grms All Purpose flour
1 Nos Egg yolk
35 Grms Caster sugar
35 Grms 60% Margarine
1 pinch Baking powder
1 pinch Salt
homemade Lemon Curd
Meringue made with: 1 egg white, 1 pinch of salt, 30 g of sugar
In a salad bowl, mix the flour, yeast and margarine (or butter) in pieces, work with your fingertips. Add salt, sugar and egg yolk. Make a ball, wrap and place in the fridge for 1 hour.
Preheat the oven to 180 ° C – ventilated heat.
Place 4 individual stainless steel circles on a baking sheet covered with a baking sheet.
Flatten the dough, cut it in 4 and place them in the 4 circles, give the round shape and tamp the bottom a little with the pusher of the circle. Place the baking sheet in the oven and bake for about 15 min (watch this).
When out of the oven, if the cookie has swelled a little too much, gently flatten it with the pusher of the individual mold. Let cool, then peel off the underside of the shortbread with a spatula in order to place them in small plates but while keeping the protective circle .. Reserve.
Prepare the meringue: Whip the egg white with a pinch of salt with an electric mixer, when the white begins to set, pour in the sugar in 2 times while continuing to whisk.
In each circle on their small plate, place on the shortbread 1 large tbsp of lemon curd and smooth it all over the cookie. Then, share and spread the meringue nicely on the lemon cream.
Put under the broiler for a short time, just enough time to set the meringue and to color it.
Leave in the fridge until ready to serve.
A little before serving, pass a very fine knife around the mold to take off the whole dessert, gently remove each circle, decorate as desired.
Observations: Initially, I wanted 2 tart shells but I ended up with 2 large, thick cookies … to fix my mistake, I used 4 individual circles, I cut, divided and flattened my pieces of cookies in the circles … hence my not very clear shortbread outlines on the small plates and less pretty photos.
I therefore noted above the method with the individual circles which has already proved its worth for other Bavarian desserts.
I will do it this way next time … because, for sure, I will redo this dessert because it is so good … this shortbread base covered with lemon curd meringue, the bite with the 3 flavors … oh there there it is a pure delight !!!!