Drinking coffee, having coffee, ordering coffee… Coffee is an integral part of our daily lives today. In France, 90% of the population consumes coffee. But are we really aware of the practices surrounding this particular liquid? What is specialty coffee?
Today we learned from Julien’s precious know-how what specialty coffee is. The whole process is noble and we wanted to share it. An approach that is both human, qualitative and respectful of the environment. Indeed, specialty coffee is a local coffee that respects each stage of its production. We are interested in the cultivation, harvesting and impacts of specialty coffee.
‘’ A coffee that changes the world cup by cup ’’
Specialty coffee is harvested in Peru. Arabica coffee grows in height and in shaded areas. This characterful coffee is chosen for its finesse and robustness. The organic coffee plantations in Sanchirio peak between 1,300 and 1,800 meters above sea level. In fact plants need a mild temperature and a humid climate to thrive. These processes are also a means of combating rust, a disease that attacks arabica leaves and which is growing more and more with global warming.
The harvest is done by the community of Sanchirio Palomar with which La Tribu works closely. The products are picked up and carefully chosen by hand. Only the most ripe cherries (after about six months) are picked. After being chosen, the cherries are brought to a processing station for processing. These deliveries are made every evening because the cherries must be processed within 12 hours of their harvest.
A quality control is carried out and the producer is adjusted immediately after a weighing of the products. Non-compliant products are used as compost. Then you have to sort the cherries and send them to machines to create perfect grains. The moment is then to fermentation between 8 and 36h which makes all the particular taste of the coffee bean. Once the seeds are fermented, they should be dried in a large drying oven overnight. The product obtained is a bare bean, then called ‘’ green coffee ’’ or qualité ’green gold’ ’, of quality and very coveted.
Throughout this process, the main focus is on quality and respect for both the environment and the product.
The next time you run your coffee, imagine what could have happened before the precious black liquid got into your cup …
One of the major Cafe projects, in addition to creating and bringing quality products to their customers, is above all to protect small producers and produce and sell in a fair relationship. It’s about honestly rewarding small producers for their work based on the principle of fair trade.
In addition, the project is also tinged with human value because they also participate in the professional integration of the disabled in France. In fact, La Tribu has chosen to commit to working with an ESAT for the packaging of its products.