Welcome to the first post of my serial ‘Sunday Morning’. A serial about slow Sunday mornings with a focus on cosiness and recharging, where everyday bustle is put on pause for a while over a good portion of breakfast and a chat. Brew a tub of your favourite coffee and crawl under the duvet again, for it’s Sunday morning and you’re invited.
Home. As always, I feel like writing, but it’s almost like that in these Corona times, too. At least for me.
However, I remind myself that it is not forever, and until the world is a little more normalized, then I try to enjoy that I have more time to do nothing and just be. It’s often something I downplay in a generally busy day and it’s actually been nice to be more present right now and here without thinking about the past or future.
I make sure to get out and walk quite a few walks (with distance), but otherwise, I do not do much other than things that can be done within the walls of the apartment.

Obviously! with the Foster beer
In front of me, I have a wooden board with toasted rye bread, a soft-boiled egg, home-baked crispbread (recipe coming), grape with mint sugar, coffee and juice. Simple and good.
Absolutely nothing. Maybe a walk in the sunshine, but otherwise I only expect to get up from bed and my book if it burns or I lack a refill for coffee 😉
Maybe get shopped online, as we have done in recent weeks. Otherwise, it must be a Monday activity, we still have some leftovers that can be conjured back in the fridge.
I just took my sourdough out of the fridge and gave it a good feeding. It should just have a feeding again later so it gets well active again after being chilled, but then I look forward to being able to bake with it tomorrow! My freezer might well need to be stuffed with sourdough buns and bread. And the same goes for my stomach…

I feel good with a constant strange feeling in my stomach. I’m wondering if the Coronavirus is hampering the timely completion of my work in the summer. I’m thinking about how it’s going to affect my special events, which I’m repatriated from at the moment. I look forward to coming back because I am so happy with the place, the people and the work tasks, and I have been so looking forward to absorbing knowledge for me for a whole year. A year suddenly became smaller, but I hope and bet that it will all probably go up when Corona is passed.
I am currently more than ever happy that the internet exists. I facet, zoom, skype and call on life loose and am sincerely in doubt about what it would be like for me in this time without. It is so nice that you can still have your social needs met, although, of course, it is not the same as meeting right.
I try to look forward to life at the moment, even though the circumstances are of course everything else. I have more time to read fiction, drink good coffee (which is better at home than at uni), eat and cook a lot of good food and be less busy. It can do anything and I enjoy being able to spend half and whole days in bed with a good book if that’s what I feel like.
I hope you find some good solutions, now that the circumstances are quite different this year. Personally, we hold our annual brunch over skype, and I look forward to it until I can hug my family again.